CEO of Quantum Energy Strong - QE Strong Frequency Specialist & Medical Deception Researcher

The Good Vs Evil fight we are in now is real. It is my mission to help people see through the fog and focus on thriving with the tools God gave each and every one of us. Discover the truth about Health!

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Quantum Energy / Frequencies
Medical Deception All-Natural Health

Quantum Energy & Frequency Information

Your body is made up of energy. As Dr's describe - it is even down to the cellular level and your body reacts to frequencies. They surround us all day every day. Look at your cell phone as an example.

The Great Medical Deception

The US Medical System was compromised in the early 1900's. Since then, all-natural solutions and homeopathic remedies have been either censored, suppressed, or buried.

Health Solutions

QE Strong has implemented the Quantum Effect that uses a multi-sensory solution to many health issues. Including Pain Relief, Allergy Relief, Anti-Anxiety, Sleep, Weight Loss, Brain Boost and many other important solutions.

    1200+ Member

    Quick Overview of Quantum Rob's Talking Points

    • Our medical system has been compromised!
    • We’re treating symptoms and masking problems, not healing.
    • All-Natural solutions are minimized, “debunked” “Fact-Checked” or downright buried!
    • Mainstream Media – helps bury/discredit viable health solutions.
    • Quantum Energy is amazing and a game changer for our health and was designed by God.
    • Frequencies are everywhere and can be utilized in incredible ways!


    Rob has 25 plus years of Enterprise Experience. He has worked for a number of Fortune 100 companies, including over 10-years at IBM.

    He also has Executive Experience and leadership roles at a number of successful startups in the Video Security, Health and Wellness, and eCommerce Industries.


    Experienced leader and authority figure and enjoys working with highly motivated individuals and lifting them up to be the best they can be.


    Has a vast network of Senior Executives, Pastors, Podcaster, Influencers, and gifted Athletes.

    Laser Focused

    Rob has dedicated himself to being a Warrior for Christ and sharing the gospel worldwide.


    Has created a multi-sensory solution to many health issues using all-natural solutions. Combining frequencies, intentions, prayers, bible verses, and your God given senses to aid many health conditions.

    Our Reviews

    Amazing! “I was amazed on how well it worked. I would definitely buy them again!”

    Heather Wilcox

      Awesome “I have used these patches for a week now, and I can sleep at night without having to take anything for pain. I haven’t been able to do that in over 10 year’s.”

      Sharon Long

        “This patch has definitely help my wife , sister-in-law and friends including myself I shared this product with family and friends and the results were amazing from better sleep reduced pain and enhanced energy Praise God!!!”

        Robert Munoz

          What Amazing Pastors
          say about QE Strong

          Pastor Dave Scarlett from His Glory: “I fell off a ladder and opened up my leg. I put on a patch and the pain went right away!

          Pastor Sheila Craft from Elevate Life Church: “I couldn’t walk and I put it (Pain Relief Product) in my pocket. And I stood up and I COULD WALK! I couldn’t believe it. I was in a wheelchair all day.”

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          Blog Post

          Exiting the Old You: Rob Rene’s Path to Pain-Free Living | The DEEP Life

          Exiting the Old…

          Watch Here: Dec 13, 2024 #podcast #exploringconsciousness #holisticwellness On this week’s episode of The Deep…